-- 2021 --


02. Mar - 20. April 2021

​​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​Following our successful test premiere we are happy to offer our first time Zoom Dancetherapy class for this spring term.


​Body history via zoom

11. Mar - 13. July 2021

​​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45 
(per Zoom 19:15 - 20:30)

​"Do something nice for your body
so that your soul will want to live in it.
": Teresa von Avila

This quarter leading up to summer we will give our full attention to your body.

We will focus on topics like acceptance, beauty ideals, self-care and we will train ourselves for a more positive way to deal with ourselves.

The following questions will lead us thru the course:

○ How do I feel at home in my body?
○ What is my body biography?
○ Where do I just use my body?
○ How do I deal with weakness and pain?
○ How can I generate a more loving attention towards myself?
○ What does my body good and what is rather harmful?
○ How can I befriend my body anew?

Self-awareness as well as relaxation exercises, new ideas plus movement inputs and sharing within the group will help enhance a more positive relationship with your own body.



24. Aug - 05. Oct 2021

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45 
(per Zoom 19:15 - 20:30)

​How can I get from my tunnel view to an eagle’s perspective, from navel gazing to new outlooks on the future?
Focussing on perspectives we will be dancing thru next quarter from summer into fall while we reflect on our own views as well as on those from society and from God.

○ How do they affect each other and me?
○ Am I more the introspective type or do I rely more on the outside worldview?

We will be experimenting with the micro – and microcosmos and research how detailed movements as well as broad movements alter our own personal view.

○ What kind of life situations trigger a tunnel view?
○ How can I rid myself off fixations?
○ What helps me not to stay stuck in the swamp or in old patterns / views?
○ Where do I rather look away and when do I rather dwell on my past than to move forward?
○ Where do I I need a change of perspective or an extended view?

All these questions we will hand over to our body who will be putting them into movement and surprise us with answers.


​“Always try to keep open a piece of heaven in your heart”

26. Oct - 14. Dec 2021

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45 
(per Zoom 19:15 - 20:30)

​When temperatures drop and a cold wind is hissing outside, we draw back into our own heart, to attend to its heartbeat, to explore and listen to what it really needs...

...as we dance through the following questions:
