-- 2015 --

"​Dance like lovers do, dance all the way into the heart of God"

​21. Feb - 14. Nov 2015

​Saturday afternoons 1pm - 5pm

​Creative movement ideas, breathing exercises, vocal/dance improvs, relaxation and body exercises will take you dancing through undreamed paths, strengthening body awareness and enticing you to love yourself more.

"​Carrying each others burdens..."

​24. Feb - 14. Apr 2015

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​This quarter we focus on togetherness and being there for each other.

Through body awareness exercises we identify our own burdens; practice letting go and passing it on. We'll gain trust, strength and empathy. We'll set boundaries and try letting go of our own "heavy stuff" and help carry someone else's for a change.

"​Do not be tired, but hold out your hand quietly to the miracle as to a bird" -- Hilde Domin

​05. May - 16. Jun 2015

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​I​n our everyday life … how do we not grow tired and stressed? How come we don’t give up? How do we create an oasis of hope?

This quarter we reach out for More, for the humanly Impossible and for the Supernatural. We will cultivate hope and faith. We expect the Unthinkable and open ourselves up to the Wonder-full. Thru body-awareness-exercises we stretch our horizon and go into expectancy mode until the miracle grants us a visit.

​"Your arms lead me into the Compassion of God" -- Silja Walter

​18. Aug - 29. Sep 2015

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​This quarter we are going to look at compassion. What emotions are being stirred inside of me by this word?

For one, it reveals a certain dependancy and neediness in the core of our human condition, for another it points out a humility in being lead to that place of neediness and to experience what it is like to arrive, soak and refill in the arms of the God of all compassion. And how can we lead and help each other in our endeavor of more grace, tenderness and empathy?

Thru dance and body-awereness-excersises we will practise letting go, diving into and enjoying God's compassion for us in order to integrate it more and more in our day to day living.

"​Dancing with the Angels"

​20. Oct - 15. Dec 2015

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​“We need Angels of Love, who lead us into the mystery of love, who bring us in touch with the source of love, which bubbles up in side of us, but too often is blocked up or clouded by our hurt emotions.Anselm Grün

This quarter we are inviting the angels to lead us to the source of love, to dance with us, to sing over us and to let the healing begin.
During the course of time we are going to encounter all sorts of angels like the Angel of Protection, of Healing and even Angels of War.

We will let these angels inspire and touch us on many different levels. Also we will grow wings and experience what it is like to become an angel for each other.