-- 2019 --

"​Dancing thru opposites ...from dead to alive."

26. Feb - 16. April 2019

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​„No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors...Rom. 8: 37

In this quarter heading towards Easter we are going to challenge ourselves with oppositions. What keeps me cool and what gets me to blow up? How do I move thru areas of conflict? Where do I wish for more balance? Do controversies have more incommon than originally thought?

Opposites do attract each other after all.


07. May - 09. July 2019

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​„Man is always "more" than the problematic scenario that seems to hold him down.Uwe Böschemeyer

Enneagram is a system that analyses human personality by means of nine distinct but interconnected personality types. We are going to discover the nine different types of characters according to the Enneagram and see what we all have hidden inside of us. Following an introduction we are not just going to learn theoretically about the typology but rather dance thru all sorts of people types. What is the essence of a specific type and where do I find myself in it? As we go into it and move thru it we will learn to better understand ourselves as well as others.

​"Dancing thru the world"

20. Aug - 01. Oct 2019

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​We are going to be taken to the 7 continents and let ourselves be taken in and inspired by their different styles of music. To which culture feel I most drawn to? What touches me and which sounds get me to move? Expansion of horizon included ;)

​"The story of Christmas totally reloaded"

22. Oct - 17. Dec 2019

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​We are going to jump into the different Biblical characters and will be in awe in all whom we are going to meet and what we will experience with them. In which relationships were they living? How were they coping and what can we learn from them and maybe we even integrate parts into our life?